About Bhushan Sharma

The world-renowned best Indian Psychic, Astrologer, Palmist, Face Reader and Spiritual Healer, revered astrologer and prophesier Bhushan Sharma ji is not someone who needs a lyrical and eloquent introduction. His name and his illustrious line of work speak well enough for him.

he specialises in a number of areas such as chat reading, re-uniting true love, finding out the solutions in personal and professional life. he has over 25+ years experience in his field, coming from a family background of Psychics, Astrology and Healers.

Internationally Reowned Astrologer Mr bhushan Sharma has created a revolution in the field of Astrology. His Expertise in providing “Astrology Predications” has earned him the faith and praise of thousands of people in more than 6 western countries across the globe.

Mr bhushan Sharma Deliverd many lectures , conducted workshops, seminars and widely traveled and provided consultancy . He is Already provided his services in Canada, Australia, UAE, Singapore, Malaysia and as well india.

He is felicitated Several times for his outstanding knowledge on Astrology & Planetary movement and have acheived several awards of national and international repute.

Social Activities

You can contact Best Astrologer Bhushan Sahrma as he is an expert in carrying out various Spiritual Shealer activities You can contact Him through -Phone, Whatsapp, Skype.

Bhushan Sharma can be reached for personal or telephone consultations.